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1 Resultado de traducción para often en español


often adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
muchas veces, a menudo, seguido

Ejemplos de uso de
often adverb

  • They go out to dinner fairly often.
  • How often do you call your mother?
  • The condition often returns even after treatment with antibiotics.
  • I often take a walk during my lunch break.
  • He travels more often than I do.
  • The disease is diagnosed most often in children.
  • They seem to be getting into arguments more and more often.
  • It's not often that I get to enjoy a day off.
  • Water the plants often enough to keep the soil moist.

Sinónimos de
often adverb

Sinónimos detallados para often adverb

Often, frequently, repeatedly significan repetidas veces, en sucesión más o menos estrecha.
  • Often, frequently tienden a recalcar el número de veces que ocurre una cosa, sin dar importancia al intervalo de la repetición <they often come to dinner> <saw her as frequently as he could>.
    antonyms: seldom
  • Repeatedly significa una y otra vez <had told her repeatedly to shut the gate when she goes out>.
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Traducción inversa para often

seguido  - straight, straight ahead, often, frequently