Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para oiled en español

adjective | verb

oiled adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
aceitado, lubricado

Ejemplos de uso de
oiled adjective

  • Place the vegetables in the oiled pan.
  • following the fuel spill, the resulting oiled stretch of roadway had to be closed to traffic

oil verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
oiled, has oiled, is oiling, oils
lubricar, engrasar, aceitar

Ejemplos de uso de
oil verb

  • He oiled the bearings of the machine.
  • if you oil the machinery on a regular basis, it will operate more efficiently

Traducción inversa para oiled

lubricar  - to lubricate, to oil 
engrasar  - to grease, to lubricate 
aceitar  - to oil 
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