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2 Resultados de traducción para opposed en español

adjective | verb

opposed adjective

unfavorite favorite

Ejemplos de uso de
opposed adjective

  • Their political philosophies are diametrically opposed.
  • any voters approve of the plan, but some are opposed.

oppose verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
opposed, has opposed, is opposing, opposes
ir en contra de, oponerse a; luchar contra, combatir, resistir

Ejemplos de uso de
oppose verb

  • The governor opposes the death penalty.
  • The change is opposed by many of the town's business leaders.
  • The group opposes the mayor and is trying to find a candidate to run against her.
  • You've opposed every suggestion I've made.
  • He met the man who will oppose him in the next election.
  • These two teams opposed each other in last year's playoffs.
  • We're hoping we can get more senators to oppose the legislation.

Sinónimos de
oppose verb

Sinónimos detallados para oppose verb

Oppose, combat, resist, withstand, counter, defy, confront significan ponerse uno en contra de alguien o de algo.
  • Oppose puede aplicarse a toda una gama, que abarca desde la mera objeción hasta la hostilidad amarga o incluso la guerra activa <opposed the plan>.
  • Combat recalca la naturaleza enérgica o urgente del intento de oponerse a algo <combatting the disease>.
    antonyms: champion, defend
  • Resist indica el reconocimiento manifiesto de una fuerza hostil o amenazadora, y un esfuerzo positivo de contrarrestar, rechazar o repeler esta fuerza <resisted the temptation to smoke>.
    antonyms: submit, abide
  • Withstand connota una resistencia que es más pasiva, pero a menudo efectiva <withstood pressure from his superiors>.
  • Counter connota hacer algo en defensa o en respuesta a algo <he countered with the most brilliant moves of the entire chess match>.
  • Defy sugiere hacer caso omiso de alguien o de algo con la confianza de ser capaz de aguantar cualquier ataque que pueda resultar <the couple defied tradition by getting married in a cave>.
  • Confront connota enfrentar a alguien tal como un enemigo o un intruso, especialmente en un desafío <she confronted the boy about the missing cash>.
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Frases relacionadas para opposed

Traducción inversa para opposed

opuesto  - opposite, contrary, opposed 
combatir  - to combat, to fight against, to fight 
resistir  - to resist, to stand, to bear, to tolerate, to withstand