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2 Resultados de traducción para orders en español

noun | verb

order noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
orden; mandato; pedido

Ejemplos de uso de
order noun

  • That's an order, not a request!
  • Failing to comply with an order will result in the loss of your job.
  • She received an order to appear in court.
  • They can't close down the school without an order from the governor's office.
  • The mayor gave an order to evacuate the city.
  • It's not his fault. He was only following orders.
  • I'm not taking orders from you! You're not my boss.
  • The city was evacuated by order of the mayor.
  • The store received an order for 200 roses this morning.
  • They had trouble filling large customer orders.

Sinónimos de
order noun

order verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
ordered, has ordered, is ordering, orders
arreglar, ordenar, poner en orden; hacer un pedido; mandar; pedir, encargar

Ejemplos de uso de
order verb

  • They ordered everyone out of the house.
  • The soldiers were ordered back to the base.
  • “Stop! Drop your weapon!” ordered the officer.
  • The court threw out the conviction and ordered a new trial.
  • The judge ordered that the charges be dismissed.
  • He was accused of ordering the murder of his wife.
  • I ordered the books from the company's Web site.
  • The shirt you ordered should arrive in the mail in a couple of days.
  • To order, call the number at the bottom of your screen.
  • Order now and receive a free gift!
  • "Stop! Drop your weapon!" ordered the officer.

Sinónimos detallados para order verb

1. Order, arrange, marshal, organize, systematize, classify significan poner a personas o cosas en sus propios lugares en relación con las demás.
  • Order connota el enderezar y armonizar con el fin de eliminar la confusión <ordered the books alphabetically>. ant disorder
  • Arrange el poner en una secuencia, relación o ajuste apropiado, adecuado o correcto <arranged the flowers in a vase>.
  • Marshal connota el reunir y arreglar en preparación para una operación en particular o para el uso o manejo efectivo <the lawyers had marshaled their facts well>.
  • Organize indica el arreglar de tal manera que el conjunto entero funcione como una unidad en la que cada uno de los elementos tiene su propio lugar y función <organized the volunteers into teams>.
    antonyms: disorganize
  • Systematize indica el arreglar de acuerdo con un plan definido y predeterminado <Roman law was first systematized by Justinian>.
  • Classify connota arreglar en grupos según las cualidades o características similares <the books have been classified by subject>.
2. Ver: Command
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Traducción inversa para orders

orden  - order 
mandato  - term of office, mandate 
pedido  - order (of merchandise), request 
arreglar  - to repair, to fix, (informal) to patch up, to tidy up, to iron out, to solve, to work out 
ordenar  - to order, to command, to put in order, to arrange, to ordain (a priest) 
mandar  - to be the boss, to be in charge, to command, to order, to send, to hurl, to throw 
pedir  - to order, to ask for, to request, to beg, to order (food, merchandise) 
encargar  - to put in charge of, to recommend, to advise, to order, to request