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merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para outline en español

noun | verb

outline noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
perfil, silueta, contorno; bosquejo, boceto; esquema, resumen, sinopsis
word of the day image
Outline drawings of horses

Ejemplos de uso de
outline noun

  • The pictures were drawn in outline and then filled in with color.
  • The leaves etched into the vase have a gold outline.
  • Organize your essay by writing an outline in which you state your main idea followed by your supporting points.
  • a brief outline of American history
  • Her speech was written in outline on note cards.

Sinónimos de
outline noun

outline verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
outlined, has outlined, is outlining, outlines
diseñar, esbozar, bosquejar; perfilar, delinear, explicar

Ejemplos de uso de
outline verb

  • The President outlined his agenda for the next term.
  • The book outlines the major events of the country's history.
  • All players must follow the rules outlined above.

Sinónimos de
outline verb

Sinónimos detallados para outline verb

Outline, contour, profile, silhouette significan la línea que delimita y da forma a algo.
  • Outline se aplica a una línea continua que demarca los límites exteriores o las orillas de un cuerpo o masa <chalk outlines of the bodies on the sidewalk>.
  • Contour recalca el conjunto de características (como la uniformidad, las curvas, lo desigual o irregular) de un contorno, perímetro o superficie delimitadora <a car with smooth contours>.
  • Profile connota la representación de algo visto de un lado y presentado en un esbozo sencillo <drew his daughter's profile>, o un bosquejo variado y nítidamente definido frente a un fondo más claro <he drew a ship in profile>.
  • Silhouette connota una forma, particularmente la de una cabeza o una figura, cuyo detalle está ennegrecido o sombreado, y cuyo contorno es lo único que es claramente distinguible <in the evening the barn became a dark silhouette against the sky>.
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Traducción inversa para outline

perfil  - profile 
silueta  - silhouette, figure, shape 
contorno  - outline 
bosquejo  - outline, sketch, draft 
boceto  - sketch, outline 
esquema  - outline, sketch, plan 
resumen  - summary, summation 
sinopsis  - synopsis, summary 
diseñar  - to design, to plan, to lay out, to outline 
esbozar  - to sketch, to outline 
bosquejar  - to outline, to sketch 
perfilar  - to outline, to define 
delinear  - to delineate, to outline, to draft, to draw up 
explicar  - to explain