Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para peeking en español


peek verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
peeked, has peeked, is peeking, peeks
espiar, mirar furtivamente; echar un vistazo
word of the day image
Two children peeking through a fence

Ejemplos de uso de
peek verb

  • A little girl peeked around the corner of the chair at him.
  • Close your eyes, and no peeking!
  • She peeked ahead to the next chapter to see what happened next.
  • He allowed some of his friends to peek at his next painting.

Sinónimos de
peek verb

Traducción inversa para peeking

espiar  - to spy, to spy on, to observe 
Word of the day

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