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1 Resultado de traducción para pitching en español


pitch verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
pitched, has pitched, is pitching, pitches
montar, armar (una tienda); cabecear (dícese de un barco o un avión), dar bandazos; lanzar, arrojar; dar el tono de (un discurso, un instrumento musical)

Ejemplos de uso de
pitch verb

  • They pitched their tent in a beautiful campground.

Sinónimos detallados para pitch verb

Ver: Plunge, Throw

Traducción inversa para pitching

montar  - to mount, to set up, to establish, to assemble, to put together, to edit (a film), to stage, to put on (a show), to cock (a gun) 
armar  (una tienda) - to assemble, to put together, to create, to cause, to arm 
cabecear  (dícese de un barco o un avión) - to head (in soccer), to nod one's head, to lurch, to pitch 
lanzar  - to throw, to hurl, to pitch, to launch, to roll out 
arrojar  - to hurl, to cast, to throw, to give off, to spew out, to yield, to produce, to vomit 
dar el tono de  (un discurso, un instrumento musical)
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