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2 Resultados de traducción para preceding en español

adjective | verb

preceding adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
precedente, previo, anterior

Ejemplos de uso de
preceding adjective

  • The preceding week he had been on vacation.
  • I was hungry because I had not eaten since the preceding day.

Sinónimos de
preceding adjective

Sinónimos detallados para preceding adjective

Preceding, foregoing, previous, prior, former, past, earlier significan que es o existe desde antes.
  • Preceding suele indicar el ser inmediatamente antes en tiempo o en lugar <in the preceding paragraph>.
    antonyms: following, next
  • Foregoing se aplica a lo que ha precedido, primordialmente en el discurso <the foregoing examples>.
    antonyms: following, succeeding
  • Previous indica que existe o que ocurre anteriormente <a previous marriage>.
    antonyms: subsequent
  • Prior a menudo añade a previous una indicación de importancia mayor <a beginning course that doesn't require any prior knowledge of the subject>.
  • Former indica siempre una clara comparación o un contraste con algo posterior o último <the former name of the company>.
    antonyms: latter
  • Past connota pasado <in winters past, we have had much more snow>, o perteneciente a, hecho o usado en un tiempo anterior <artifacts from past civilizations>.
    antonyms: present, future
  • Earlier significa hecho en una fecha o un tiempo precedente <earlier predictions turned out to be wrong>.
    antonyms: later

precede verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
preceded, has preceded, is preceding, precedes
preceder a

Ejemplos de uso de
precede verb

  • Riots preceded the civil war.
  • She preceded him into the room.
  • The country became more conservative in the years that preceded his election.
  • The new mayor is very different from the person who preceded her in office.
  • The meeting was preceded by a brief welcoming speech.
  • The chairman preceded the meeting with a brief welcoming speech.
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Traducción inversa para preceding

precedente  - preceding, previous 
previo  - previous, prior, after, upon 
anterior  - previous, earlier, anterior, forward, front