Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para probing en español


probe verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
probed, has probed, is probing, probes
sondar (en medicina y tecnología); investigar, sondear

Ejemplos de uso de
probe verb

  • His questions made it clear he was probing for information.
  • He didn't like the police probing into his past.
  • He didn't like the police probing him about his past.
  • The doctor probed the wound with his finger.
  • Searchers probed the mud with long poles.
  • She probed the files for evidence that would help the investigation.

Sinónimos de
probe verb

Sinónimos detallados para probe verb

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Traducción inversa para probing

sondar  (en medicina y tecnología) - to sound, to probe (in medicine, drilling, etc.), to probe, to explore (outer space) 
investigar  - to investigate, to research 
sondear  - to sound, to probe, to sound out, to test (opinions, markets) 
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