Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para proves en español


prove verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
proved, has proven, is proving, proves
resultar; probar, demostrar

Ejemplos de uso de
prove verb

  • The charges against him were never proved in court.
  • The treatment proved efficient against the disease.
  • The government failed to prove its case.
  • It could not be proven that the suspect stole the money.
  • A person who is charged with a crime is considered innocent until proved guilty.
  • Mathematicians try to prove the theorem.
  • To prove her point, she got out the old research.
  • The tests proved the vaccine to be effective.
  • Her second album was a hit that proved her critics wrong.

Sinónimos de
prove verb

Traducción inversa para proves

resultar  - to work, to work out, to prove, to turn out to be 
probar  - to demonstrate, to prove, to try, to test, to try out, to try on (clothing), to taste, to sample 
demostrar  - to demonstrate, to show 
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