Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para rallying en español


rally verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
rallied, has rallied, is rallying, rallies
reunir (tropas, etc.); reunirse, congregarse; recobrar (la fuerza, el ánimo, etc.); recuperarse

Ejemplos de uso de
rally verb

  • Her supporters will rally tomorrow morning outside the capitol.
  • The group is trying to rally voters for the election.
  • Students rallied against the new dress code.
  • Concerned people around the country have rallied together to help raise money for the victims.
  • The patient rallied and survived.
  • Stocks rallied at the close of the trading today.
  • We were trailing for most of the game, but we rallied in the fourth quarter and ended up winning.

Sinónimos detallados para rally verb

Ver: Encourage, Stir

Traducción inversa para rallying

reunir  (tropas, etc.) - to unite, to join, to bring together, to round up, to have, to possess, to gather, to collect, to raise (funds) 
reunirse  - to meet 
congregarse  - to congregate, to assemble 
recobrar  (la fuerza, el ánimo, etc.) - to recover, to regain 
recuperarse  - to recover