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3 Resultados de traducción para rear en español

noun | verb | adjective

rear noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
parte de atrás
word of the day image
There is a bathroom and two emergency exits at the rear of the plane.

Ejemplos de uso de
rear noun

  • There are two bedrooms at the rear.
  • The rear of the car was sleekly designed.

Sinónimos de
rear noun

rear verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
reared, has reared, is rearing, rears
levantar; criar

Ejemplos de uso de
rear verb

  • watched a documentary on how wolves rear their young
  • it took all the men in the village to rear the frame for the barn, pulling hard at the ropes until all the sides were standing

Sinónimos de
rear verb

rear adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
trasero, posterior, de atrás

Ejemplos de uso de
rear adjective

  • The car's rear bumper was damaged.
  • Go to the back of the building and look out the rear window and you'll see the eagle.
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Frases relacionadas para rear

Traducción inversa para rear

levantar  - to lift, to raise, to put up, to erect, to call off, to adjourn, to give rise to, to arouse 
criar  - to breed, to bring up, to raise 
trasero  - rear, back 
posterior  - later, subsequent, back, rear