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3 Resultados de traducción para regards en español

noun | verb | noun

regards noun

unfavorite favorite
saludos, recuerdos

regard verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
regarded, has regarded, is regarding, regards
respetar; observar, mirar; tener en cuenta, hacer caso de; considerar
word of the day image
She is regarded as a talented young musician.

Ejemplos de uso de
regard verb

  • The police officer regarded the group of teenagers with suspicion.
  • She regarded him with astonishment when he announced he had gotten engaged.

Sinónimos de
regard verb

Sinónimos detallados para regard verb

Regard, respect, esteem, admire, value significan reconocer el valor de una persona o cosa.
  • Regard es un término general que suele ser calificado <he is not highly regarded by other doctors>. ant despise
  • Respect indica una evaluación o estimación considerada como fundamento del reconocimiento o valor <as the years passed they came to respect her views>.
    antonyms: abuse, misuse, scorn
  • Esteem indica una alta valuación y un afecto o apego resultante <no citizen of the town was more highly esteemed>.
    antonyms: abominate
  • Admire connota una apreciación generalmente entusiasta pero que tiende a ser ciega, y que suele ser acompañada de profundo afecto <admired the natural beauty of the scene>.
    antonyms: abhor
  • Value connota pensar altamente de alguien o algo <he admired her and valued her advice>.

regard noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
consideración; respeto, estima; aspecto, sentido

Ejemplos de uso de
regard noun

  • I have no regard for his opinions.
  • I have a deep regard for humanitarian aid workers who risk everything to help the poor.

Sinónimos de
regard noun

Frases relacionadas para regards

Traducción inversa para regards

saludos  - greeting, regards, salute 
recuerdos  - memory, souvenir, memento 
respetar  - to respect 
observar  - to observe, to watch, to notice, to obey, to abide by, to remark, to comment 
mirar  - to look, to look at, to face, to overlook, to watch, to consider, to think over 
considerar  - to consider, to think over, to judge, to deem, to treat with respect 
consideración  - consideration, respect 
respeto  - respect, consideration 
estima  - esteem, regard 
aspecto  - aspect, appearance, look 
sentido  - sense, consciousness, meaning, sense, direction 
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