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1 Resultado de traducción para relinquishes en español


relinquish verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
relinquished, has relinquished, is relinquishing, relinquishes
renunciar a, abandonar; soltar

Ejemplos de uso de
relinquish verb

  • I will not relinquish my rights.
  • She was forced to relinquish control of the project.
  • The court ordered him to relinquish custody of his child.

Sinónimos detallados para relinquish verb

1. Relinquish, resign, surrender, abandon, waive, renounce, give up, cede significan dejar completamente.
  • Relinquish puede connotar cierto pesar, renuencia o debilidad en el dejar o renunciar <a beauty queen relinquishing her crown to the new winner>.
    antonyms: keep
  • Resign pone énfasis en una renuncia o sacrificio que se hace de forma voluntaria y sin oponer resistencia <resigned rather than work under these new conditions>.
  • Surrender indica el ceder a una compulsión o demanda externa después de una lucha por retener o resistir <forced to sign a document surrendering all claims to the land>.
  • Abandon recalca el carácter final y completo del acto de dejar <abandoned her attempt to open her own store>.
    antonyms: cherish speranzas, etc.), restrain ismo)
  • Waive indica el conceder o renunciar con poca o ninguna compulsión <waived the right to a jury trial>.
  • Renounce connota abandonar algo, especialmente por una declaración formal <they renounced their ties to the Communist party>.
  • Give up significa dejar de tener, hacer o usar algo <she refused to give up her seat on the bus>.
  • Cede sugiere cederle el control de algo a una persona, un grupo o un gobierno <Russia ceded Alaska to the U.S. in 1867>.
2. Ver: Abdicate

Traducción inversa para relinquishes

abandonar  - to abandon, to leave, to give up, to quit, to drop out 
soltar  - to let go of, to drop, to release, to set free, to loosen, to slacken