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1 Resultado de traducción para remoter en español


remote adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
lejano, remoto; recóndito; a distancia; distante
word of the day image
Remote village

Ejemplos de uso de
remote adjective

  • She enjoys reading about remote lands.
  • The mission is to transport medical supplies to remote areas of the globe.
  • a tradition that dates back to remote antiquity
  • an invention that may be available in the remote future
  • There is a remote possibility that I'll be free Friday night.

Sinónimos detallados para remote adjective

Ver: Distant

Traducción inversa para remoter

lejano  - remote, distant, far away 
remoto  - remote, unlikely, distant, far-off 
recóndito  - remote, isolated, hidden, recondite 
distante  - distant, far-off, aloof