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1 Resultado de traducción para repeals en español


repeal verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
repealed, has repealed, is repealing, repeals
abrogar, revocar

Ejemplos de uso de
repeal verb

  • the company called the furniture store to repeal the order for six new desks
  • in 1933, Congress passed the 21st Amendment which repealed the Prohibition Amendment of 1919, thus making the sale, distribution, and use of
  • in 1933, Congress passed the 21st Amendment which repealed the Prohibition Amendment of 1919, thus making the sale, distribution, and use of alcohol legal once again

Sinónimos de
repeal verb

Sinónimos detallados para repeal verb

Ver: Revoke

Traducción inversa para repeals

abrogar  - to abrogate, to annul, to repeal 
revocar  - to revoke, to repeal, to plaster (a wall) 
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