Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para ridden en español


ride verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
rode, has ridden, is riding, rides
montar a caballo, cabalgar; montar, ir, andar; recorrer; viajar (en coche, en bicicleta, etc.); marchar; burlarse de, ridiculizar; llevar; capear

Ejemplos de uso de
ride verb

  • She learned how to ride a horse when she was young.
  • Most children learn to ride a bicycle at an early age.
  • He rides his motorcycle to work every day.
  • I never rode on a horse before.
  • She got on her bicycle and rode away.
  • He decided to walk to the movies instead of riding the bus.
  • She rides the subway home from school.
  • They rode the elevator to the second floor.
  • We rode through the park in a horse-drawn carriage.
  • The dog rode in the back of the truck.

Sinónimos de
ride verb

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Traducción inversa para ridden

cabalgar  - to ride (on horseback) 
montar  - to mount, to set up, to establish, to assemble, to put together, to edit (a film), to stage, to put on (a show), to cock (a gun) 
ir  - to go, to lead, to extend, to stretch, to work, to function, to get on, to get along 
andar  - to walk, to travel, to walk, to go, to travel, to run, to function, to ride, to be 
recorrer  - to travel through, to tour, to cover (a distance), to go over, to look over 
viajar  (en coche, en bicicleta, etc.) - to travel, to journey 
marchar  - to go, to travel, to walk, to work, to go, to march 
ridiculizar  - to ridicule 
llevar  - to have, to lead, to take away, to carry, to wear, to take, to lead 
capear  - to make a pass with the cape (in bullfighting), to dodge, to weather