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1 Resultado de traducción para roasting en español


roast verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
roasted, has roasted, is roasting, roasts
asar (carne, papas), tostar (café, nueces); asarse
word of the day image
Parents and their child roasting marshmallows on a grill

Ejemplos de uso de
roast verb

  • The chicken is roasting in the oven.
  • We roasted the peanuts over the fire.
  • The peanuts roasted over the fire.
  • We were roasting in the hot sun.
  • The movie is being roasted by the critics.

Sinónimos detallados para roast verb

Ver: Criticize
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Traducción inversa para roasting

asar  (carne, papas) - to roast, to grill 
tostar  (café, nueces) - to toast, to roast (coffee), to tan 
asarse  - to roast, to be dying from heat