Rise se usa con referencia a personas o animales que se alzan desde una posición acostada o sentada <she rises every morning at five>, o a cosas que parecen subir a la vista o levantarse ellos mismos <hills rising from the plain>, o a un fluido que es echado hacia arriba por alguna fuerza natural <watched the river rising>. antonyms: decline, set l, etc.)
Arise es cercano a rise, pero es un poco más retórico o poético <doubts about the project soon arose>. antonyms: recline, slump
Ascend connota un trepar o un movimiento hacia arriba que es continuo o progresivo <the sun ascends until noon>. antonyms: descend
Mount, que es cercano a ascend, indica un movimiento gradual en dirección hacia arriba, hacia un nivel o grado aún más alto <her hopes mounted as the race went on>. antonyms: drop
Soar suele connotar una ascenso continuo, y a menudo rápido, a grandes altitudes, particularmente en lo intelectual, espiritual o estético <the price of oil was soaring>.
Lift sugiere levantarse del suelo o de otra superficie <the balloon lifted slowly into the sky>.
Climb connota subir algo alto o empinado usando los pies y frecuentemente las manos <climb a tree>, o ir más alto gradualmente <the plane had climbed 4,000 feet in just a few minutes>, o en un sentido no físico, moverse a una posición más alta <her second novel is climbing up the best-seller lists>.
Surge sugiere subirse y moverse en ondas <the sea was surging>.
salir (dícese del sol y de la luna)- to go out, to come out, to get out, to set out, to leave, to depart, to appear, to project, to stick out, to cost, to come to, to turn out, to prove, to come up, to occur
subir (dícese de las aguas, del humo, etc.)- to bring up, to take up, to go up, to come up, to climb, to go up, to rise, to increase, to raise, to be promoted
- to rise, to increase, to grow, to increase, to raise
- to bring up, to take up, to go up, to come up, to climb, to go up, to rise, to increase, to raise, to be promoted
- to be born, to hatch, to bud, to sprout, to rise, to originate
- to proceed, to act, to behave, to be appropriate, to be fitting
Quick Quizzes:¿In, at, on, by?
Stop looking at your phone! We need to concentrate _________ our work.