Ruin suele connotar la acción de agencias destructoras y el final del valor, la belleza o el bienestar de algo o alguien, o la pérdida de algo vital <endured having his reputation ruined by ugly rumors>.
Wreck indica el arruinar como efecto de estrellar o hacer añicos o una acción similar, y suele connotar un daño irreparable <his health had been wrecked by drinking and smoking>.
Destroy connota arruinar o aniquilar algo, bien sea físicamente <the files were deliberately destroyed> o no físicamente <the scandal destroyed his reputation>.
Shatter sugiere romper en muchos pedazos más pequeños <the window had been shattered by a rock>, o dañar malamente algo no físico <his dreams were shattered by the rejection>.
Devastate connota causar gran daño a algo, frecuentemente a un área grande <the flood devastated the town>, o causar que alguien sienta dolor emocional extremo <she was devastated by the breakup of her marriage>.
Demolish indica la destrucción o el desmontaje forzado de una estructura <explosives were used to demolish the building>, o dañar algo de manera que no se pueda reemplazar <the car was demolished in the accident>, y a veces se usa en un sentido no físico <the accusations were intended to demolish her public image>.