Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para sat en español


sit verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sat, has sat, is sitting, sits
sentar, colocar; sentarse, estar sentado; posarse; sesionar; posar (para un retrato); estar (ubicado)

Ejemplos de uso de
sit verb

  • The cat likes to sit by the window.
  • She sat across from me during dinner.
  • The children sat cross-legged on the floor playing a game.
  • Are you going to sit there and watch TV all day?
  • Don't just sit there—do something!
  • She walked around the table and sat across from me.
  • She sat the toddler in the chair.
  • The bird sat on the ledge.
  • The limousine is sitting outside.
  • He was sitting in a chair next to the window.

Sinónimos de
sit verb

¿Cómo se usan los verbos sit down y sit up?
  • Si estás parado y te sientas, estás sitting down. Si estás acostado horizontalmente y cambias de postura para sentarte, estás sitting up.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Tenga en cuenta que la forma en el pasado es sat.
¿Recuerdas esto?
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Frases relacionadas para sat

  • sat-phone - teléfono satelital (abreviación de "satellite phone")

Traducción inversa para sat

sentar  - to seat, to sit, to suit, to establish, to set, to agree with (of food or drink), to please 
colocar  - to place, to put, to find a job for, to invest 
sentarse  - to sit, to sit down 
posarse  - to land, to light, to perch, to settle, to rest 
sesionar  - to meet, to be in session 
posar  (para un retrato) - to place, to lay, to pose 
estar  (ubicado) - to be, to be at home, to remain