Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para scares en español

noun | verb

scare noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
susto, sobresalto; pánico

Ejemplos de uso de
scare noun

  • There have been scares about the water supply being contaminated.
  • fired over their heads in order to throw a scare into them

Sinónimos de
scare noun

scare verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
scared, has scared, is scaring, scares
asustar, espantar

Ejemplos de uso de
scare verb

  • You scared me. I didn't see you there.
  • Stop that, you're scaring the children.

Traducción inversa para scares

susto  - fright, scare 
sobresalto  - start, fright 
pánico  - panic 
asustar  - to scare, to frighten 
espantar  - to scare, to frighten 
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