Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para serviced en español


service verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
serviced, has serviced, is servicing, services
darle mantenimiento a (una máquina), revisar; arreglar, reparar

Ejemplos de uso de
service verb

  • I need to get my car serviced.
  • The shop services sewing machines and old typewriters.
  • The company was unable to service the loan.
  • The bookstore primarily services people looking for out-of-print books.

Sinónimos de
service verb

Traducción inversa para serviced

darle mantenimiento a  (una máquina)
revisar  - to examine, to inspect, to check, to go over, to check over, to overhaul (machinery), to revise 
arreglar  - to repair, to fix, (informal) to patch up, to tidy up, to iron out, to solve, to work out 
reparar  - to repair, to fix, to mend, to make amends for, to make up for something, to correct, to restore, to refresh