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1 Resultado de traducción para shaping en español


shape verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
shaped, has shaped, is shaping, shapes
dar forma a, modelar (arcilla, etc.), tallar (madera, piedra), formar (carácter); decidir, determinar

Ejemplos de uso de
shape verb

  • The artist shaped the stone with a hammer and chisel.
  • Schools shape the minds of future leaders.
  • Ads help shape public opinion.

Sinónimos detallados para shape verb

Ver: Make

Traducción inversa para shaping

modelar  (arcilla, etc.) - to model, to mold 
tallar  (madera, piedra) - to sculpt, to carve, to measure (someone's height), to deal (cards) 
formar  (carácter) - to form, to make, to constitute, to make up, to train, to educate 
decidir  - to decide, to decide, to determine, to persuade, to decide 
determinar  - to determine, to cause, to bring about, to nail down 
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