Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para shaving en español

noun | verb

shaving noun

unfavorite favorite
afeitada, rapamiento, rasura, depilación

shave verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
shaved, has shaved, is shaving, shaves
afeitar, rasurar; afeitarse, rasurarse; cortar (en pedazos finos)

Ejemplos de uso de
shave verb

  • She cut herself while shaving her legs.
  • The sheep were all shaved.
  • He shaves every morning before breakfast.
  • I cut myself shaving this morning.
  • She shaves her dog's fur in the summer.
  • He shaved some butter from the container.

Sinónimos de
shave verb

Traducción inversa para shaving

afeitar  - to shave 
rasurar  - to shave 
cortar  (en pedazos finos) - to cut, to cut, to slice, to trim, to break up, to cut out, to omit, to cut off, to interrupt, to hang up (the telephone), to block, to close off, to curdle (milk)