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2 Resultados de traducción para shoots en español
| noun
shot, has shot, is shooting, shoots
disparar (con un arma de fuego); disparar, tirar; ir rápidamente; pegarle un tiro a, darle un balazo a; lanzar (una pelota, etc.), echar (una mirada); fotografiar; filmar
Shoot, branch, bough, limb, offshoot significan uno de los miembros de una planta que son brotes de un tallo, una base principal o una de sus divisiones.
Shoot pone énfasis en el crecimiento y se aplica primordialmente al nuevo crecimiento a partir de un botón <only the strongest shoots actually survive>.
Branch connota el extenderse mediante la división y la subdivisión, y se aplica típicamente a un miembro maduro que surge de un tallo o tronco primario o de una división o subdivisión de uno de éstos <the tree's first branches were thirty feet above the ground>.
Bough puede sustituir a branch con referencia a un árbol o arbusto, sobre todo cuando la noción de follaje, de flor o de fruto es prominente <used pine boughs for Christmas decorations>.
Limb suele aplicarse a una rama principal que surge directamente desde un tronco <the great limbs of the old oak>.
Offshoot significa una excrescencia o una rama, y frecuentemente se usa en un sentido no físico <the venture began as an offshoot of a much larger project>.
disparar (con un arma de fuego)- to shoot, to shoot, to fire, to pay, to treat to, to buy
- to shoot, to shoot, to fire, to pay, to treat to, to buy
- to pull, to draw, to throw, to hurl, to toss, to shoot, to throw away, to throw out, to waste, to attract, to knock down, to shoot, to fire, to launch, to get by, to manage, to take (a photo), to print, to run off
lanzar (una pelota, etc.)- to throw, to hurl, to pitch, to launch, to roll out
echar (una mirada)- to start off, to throw, to cast, to hurl, to throw out, to expel, to emit, give off, to sprout, to put forth, to fire, to dismiss, to put in, to add