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2 Resultados de traducción para shred en español

verb | noun

shred verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
shredded, has shredded, is shredding, shreds
hacer trizas, desmenuzar (con las manos), triturar (con una máquina)
word of the day image
Shredding old papers

Ejemplos de uso de
shred verb

  • Shred the cabbage and add it to the salad.
  • shredded some cooked chicken for the soup

shred noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
tira, jirón (de tela); pizca

Ejemplos de uso de
shred noun

  • The wallpaper is in shreds.
  • His reputation was in shreds after the arrest.
  • He struggled to retain a shred of his dignity.

Sinónimos detallados para shred noun

Ver: Particle

Traducción inversa para shred

desmenuzar  (con las manos) - to break down, to scrutinize, to crumble, to shred, slice and dice 
triturar  (con una máquina) - to crush, to grind 
tira  - strip, strap 
jirón  (de tela) - shred, rag 
pizca  - pinch, speck, trace, harvest