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1 Resultado de traducción para signed en español


sign verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
signed, has signed, is signing, signs
firmar; hacer una seña; comunicarse por señas

Ejemplos de uso de
sign verb

  • Sign your name on the bottom line.
  • She met with fans and signed autographs.
  • Please sign at the bottom of the application.
  • You forgot to sign the document.
  • He was forced to sign the confession.
  • The contract was signed by both parties.
  • The author will be signing copies of his books today.
  • The contract should be signed, sealed, and delivered by tomorrow.
  • The team signed the pitcher to a three-year contract.
  • He is signed to a three-year contract.

Sinónimos de
sign verb

¿Sabes lo que significa sign up?
  • Sign up significa inscribirse. Usa sign up for + sustantivo > I signed up for a course in web design. Alternativamente, puedes usar sign up to + verbo > I signed up to go on a rock-climbing trip.

Sinónimos detallados para sign verb

Sign, signal, cue, nod, gesture significan algo, tal como un gesto o una acción, mediante el cual se expresa una orden o un deseo, o se da a conocer un pensamiento.
  • Sign se aplica a cualquier medio por el cual se transmite información sin comunicación verbal <made a sign to the others to wait>.
  • Signal suele aplicarse a un signo convencional y fácilmente reconocido que comunica una orden, una dirección o una advertencia <saw the coach's signal>, o bien puede aplicarse a un aparato mecánico que desempeña una función comparable <waiting for the traffic signal to change to green>.
  • Cue connota una señal o un indicio <the younger children took their cues for behavior from the older ones>.
  • Nod connota una indicación de aprobación o reconocimiento <the project received the nod from the committee>.
  • Gesture sugiere un símbolo o una muestra <the speech was a gesture to the immigrant community>.
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