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merriam webster

3 Resultados de traducción para sketch en español

noun | verb | sustantivo

sketch noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
esbozo, bosquejo; ensayo
word of the day image
Sketch of a boy’s face

Ejemplos de uso de
sketch noun

  • He made a sketch of his house.
  • He wrote up a sketch of the plot.
  • There is a biographical sketch of the author on the book's back cover.

Sinónimos detallados para sketch noun

Ver: Compendium

sketch verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sketched, has sketched, is sketching, sketches
bosquejar; hacer bosquejos

Ejemplos de uso de
sketch verb

  • He sketched the trees outside his window.
  • He likes to sit outside and sketch.
  • She sketched the plan for us.

sketch sustantivo

sketch, skit

Traducción inversa para sketch

esbozo  - sketch, rough draft 
bosquejo  - outline, sketch, draft 
ensayo  - essay, trial, test, rehearsal, (slang) dry run, assay (of metals) 
bosquejar  - to outline, to sketch