Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para slashed en español


slash verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
slashed, has slashed, is slashing, slashes
cortar, hacer un tajo en; reducir, rebajar (precios)

Ejemplos de uso de
slash verb

  • Someone slashed his car's tires.
  • He threatened to slash the man's throat.
  • She slashed a path through the underbrush.
  • They slashed their way through the jungle.
  • The company has slashed prices to increase sales.
  • Funding for the program was slashed.

Sinónimos de
slash verb

Traducción inversa para slashed

cortar  - to cut, to cut, to slice, to trim, to break up, to cut out, to omit, to cut off, to interrupt, to hang up (the telephone), to block, to close off, to curdle (milk) 
reducir  - to reduce, to decrease, to cut, to subdue, to boil down 
rebajar  (precios) - to reduce, to lower, to lessen, to diminish, to humiliate 
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