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1 Resultado de traducción para spinning en español


spin verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
spun, has spun, is spinning, spins
hilar; hilar (hilo, etc.); tejer; girar; hacer girar; dar vueltas

Ejemplos de uso de
spin verb

  • The car hit a patch of ice and spun into the wall.
  • The children were spinning a top.
  • I tried to stand up but the room was spinning.
  • She spun the silk into thread.
  • They spun the wool into yarn.

Sinónimos de
spin verb

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Traducción inversa para spinning

hilar  - to spin, to spin (thread), to consider, to string together (ideas) 
hilar  (hilo, etc.) - to spin, to spin (thread), to consider, to string together (ideas) 
tejer  - to knit, to crochet, to weave, to concoct, to make up, to fabricate 
girar  - to turn, to twist, to rotate, to turn around, to revolve, to draft (checks), to swing around, to swivel, to transfer (funds)