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2 Resultados de traducción para stick en español

noun | verb

stick noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
ramita; palo, vara

Sinónimos de
stick noun

stick verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stuck, has stuck, is sticking, sticks
clavar; pegarse, adherirse; pegar; atascarse; poner

Ejemplos de uso de
stick verb

  • Stick these candles in the birthday cake.
  • She stuck two stamps on the letter.
  • The glue had stuck to her fingers.

Sinónimos de
stick verb

Sinónimos detallados para stick verb

Stick, adhere, cling significan unirse o conectarse estrechamente.
  • Stick indica un acoplamiento que se produce al fijar con pegamento o adhesivo, o una acción similar <the label will stick when pressed>.
  • Adhere suele intercambiarse con stick, pero a veces indica que las partes, que normalmente son distintas, van uniéndose o fusionándose <they chose to adhere to their original plan>.
  • Cling indica un acoplamiento o conexión que se logra al agarrar con los brazos o con los zarcillos <the children clung to their mother's legs>.
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Verbos frasales para stick

Frases relacionadas para stick

Traducción inversa para stick

palo  - stick, pole, post, shaft, handle, mast, spar, wood, blow (with a stick), suit (of cards) 
vara  - pole, stick, rod, staff (of office), lance, pike (in bullfighting), yardstick 
clavar  - to nail, to hammer, to plunge, to stick, to fix (one's eyes) on 
pegarse  - to hit oneself, to hit each other, to stick, to take hold, to be contagious, to tag along, to stick around 
adherirse  - to adhere, to stick 
pegar  - to adhere, to stick, to glue, to stick, to paste, to attach, to sew on, to infect with, to give, to hit, to deal, to strike, to give (out with) 
atascarse  - to become obstructed, to get bogged down, to stall 
poner  - to contribute, to put, to place, to set up, to establish, to install, to put in, to make, to turn on, to switch on, to suppose, to lay (eggs), to lay eggs, to put in, to add,