Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para stows en español


stow verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stowed, has stowed, is stowing, stows
poner, meter, guardar; cargar

Ejemplos de uso de
stow verb

  • He stowed his gear in a locker.
  • Luggage may be stowed under the seat.

Sinónimos de
stow verb

Traducción inversa para stows

poner  - to contribute, to put, to place, to set up, to establish, to install, to put in, to make, to turn on, to switch on, to suppose, to lay (eggs), to lay eggs, to put in, to add, 
meter  - to put (in), to fit, to squeeze, to place (in a job), to involve, to make, to cause 
guardar  - to guard, to maintain, to preserve, to put away, to save, to keep (a secret or promise) 
cargar  - to carry, to load, to load, to fill, to rest (in architecture), to charge 
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