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1 Resultado de traducción para strength en español


strength noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
fuerza; solidez, resistencia, dureza; intensidad (de emociones, etc.), lo fuerte (de un sabor, etc.); punto fuerte; numero, complemento

Ejemplos de uso de
strength noun

  • I was impressed by his strength.
  • She's doing exercises to build up the strength in her legs.
  • Don't work too hard. You need to conserve your strength for tomorrow.
  • Pull-ups increase upper body strength.
  • Working on a farm requires a lot of physical strength.
  • the strength and durability of the material
  • I pray that I'll have the strength to do what I have to do.
  • His determination shows real strength of character.
  • Her inner strength is an inspiration to us all.

Sinónimos detallados para strength noun

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Traducción inversa para strength

fuerza  - strength, vigor, force, power, might 
solidez  - solidity, firmness, soundness (of an argument, etc.) 
resistencia  - resistance, endurance, strength, stamina 
dureza  - hardness, toughness, severity, harshness 
intensidad  (de emociones, etc.) - intensity, vehemence 
lo fuerte  (de un sabor, etc.)
numero  - number, issue (of a publication) 
complemento  - complement, supplement, supplementary pay, allowance