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1 Resultado de traducción para suiting en español


suit verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
suited, has suited, is suiting, suits
adaptar; convenir a, ser apropiado a; favorecer, quedarle bien (a alguien); agradecer, satisfacer, convenirle bien (a alguien)

Ejemplos de uso de
suit verb

  • This kind of behavior hardly suits a person of your age.
  • She gave a serious speech that suited the occasion.
  • The formal furniture really suited the style of the house.
  • The job suits her very well.

Sinónimos de
suit verb

Traducción inversa para suiting

adaptar  - to adapt, to adjust, to fit 
favorecer  - to favor, to look well on, to suit 
quedarle bien  (a alguien)
agradecer  - to be grateful for, to thank 
satisfacer  - to satisfy, to fulfill, to meet, to pay, to settle 
convenirle bien  (a alguien)