Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para sustains en español


sustain verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sustained, has sustained, is sustaining, sustains
sustentar; sostener; sufrir; apoyar, respaldar

Ejemplos de uso de
sustain verb

  • Hope sustained us during that difficult time.
  • The roof, unable to sustain the weight of all the snow, collapsed.
  • The army sustained heavy losses.
  • He sustained serious injuries in the accident.

Sinónimos de
sustain verb

Traducción inversa para sustains

sustentar  - to support, to hold up, to sustain, to nourish, to maintain, to hold (an opinion) 
sostener  - to support, to hold up, to hold, to sustain, to maintain 
sufrir  - to suffer, to suffer, to tolerate, to put up with 
apoyar  - to support, to back, to lean, to rest 
respaldar  - to back, to support, to endorse 
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