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3 Resultados de traducción para swish en español

verb | noun | adjective

swish verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
swished, has swished, is swishing, swishes
mover (produciendo un sonido); moverse (produciendo un sonido)

Ejemplos de uso de
swish verb

  • He watched as the windshield wipers swished back and forth.
  • The horse's tail swished back and forth.
  • The horse swished its tail back and forth.

swish noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
silbido (de un látigo, etc.), susurro (de agua), crujido (de ropa, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
swish noun

  • the steady swish of the windshield wipers
  • the mare brushed away the flies with a sweeping swish of her tail

swish adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
(argot, EE.UU., ofensivo) loca; (británico, informal) elegante, pituco

Ejemplos de uso de
swish adjective

  • a trendy boutique filled with swish accessories for the urban fashionista
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Traducción inversa para swish

mover  (produciendo un sonido) - to move, to shift, to shake, to nod (the head), to power, to drive, to provoke, to cause, to excite, to stir 
moverse  (produciendo un sonido) - to move, to move over, to hurry, to get a move on, to get moving, to make an effort 
silbido  (de un látigo, etc.) - whistle, whistling 
susurro  (de agua) - whisper, murmur, rustle, rustling 
crujido  (de ropa, etc.) - rustling, creaking, crackling (of a fire), crunching 
loca  (argot, EE.UU., ofensivo)
elegante  (británico, informal)