Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para teaching en español

noun | verb

teaching noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
teaching noun

  • He went into teaching after college.
  • a chemist who has devoted his career to teaching, even though he could have made a lot more money in an industrial job

teach verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
taught, has taught, is teaching, teaches
enseñar, dar clases; dar clases de

Ejemplos de uso de
teach verb

  • He enjoys teaching his students about history.
  • She taught English for many years at the high school.
  • The church teaches compassion and forgiveness.
  • Someone needs to teach her right and wrong.
  • The experience taught us that money doesn't mean everything.
  • Her injury will teach her not to be so careless with a knife.

Sinónimos detallados para teach verb

Teach, instruct, educate, train, school, coach, tutor, indoctrinate significan lograr que uno adquiera conocimientos o capacidad.
  • Teach se aplica a cualquier manera de impartir información o capacidad con el fin de que otros aprendan <taught them how to ski>.
  • Instruct connota una enseñanza formal o metódica <instructing the new employees>.
  • Educate indica el intento de sacar y desarrollar capacidades latentes <schools that educate students for the real world>.
  • Train recalca el impartir instrucción o ejercicios con un fin específico <trained foreign pilots to operate the new aircraft>.
  • School indica el entrenar o disciplinar, especialmente en algo que es difícil de dominar o de soportar <all the graduates were well schooled in economics>.
  • Coach connota entrenar intensamente, especialmente en atletismo <coached the basketball team>.
  • Tutor sugiere enseñar o guiar individualmente, especialmente para un propósito particular <she was tutored in English by a college student>.
  • Indoctrinate sugiere llenar a alguien con opiniones o principios, generalmente de tipo partidista <young army recruits being indoctrinated with military values>.
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Traducción inversa para teaching

enseñanza  - education, teaching 
enseñar  - to teach, to show, to display