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1 Resultado de traducción para thundered en español


thunder verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
thundered, has thundered, is thundering, thunders
decir a gritos, vociferar; tronar; retumbar, bramar, resonar

Ejemplos de uso de
thunder verb

  • The sky thundered and the rain poured down.
  • It was raining and thundering all night.
  • Guns thundered in the distance.
  • Horses thundered down the road.
  • Trucks thundered past on the highway.
  • “How dare you come into my house!” he thundered.
  • "How dare you come into my house!" he thundered.

Sinónimos de
thunder verb

Traducción inversa para thundered

vociferar  - to shout, to yell 
tronar  - to thunder, to thunder, to roar, to be furious, to rage, to shoot 
retumbar  - to boom, to thunder, to resound, to reverberate 
bramar  - to roar, to bellow, to howl (of the wind) 
resonar  - to resound, to ring