Tire, weary, fatigue, exhaust significan hacer o hacerse, incapaz de continuar o indispuesto a hacerlo.
Tire indica el agotar las fuerzas o la paciencia de uno <the long ride tired us out>. antonyms: refresh
Weary indica el cansar al punto de no poder aguantar más <wearied of the constant arguments with his wife>.
Fatigue connota el causar gran lasitud a causa de una gran tensión o un esfuerzo excesivo <fatigued by the long climb>. antonyms: rest
Exhaust indica el agotamiento total de las fuerzas físicas o mentales causado por un pesado esfuerzo <the shoveling had left him exhausted>. antonyms: refresh
to pull, to draw; to throw, to hurl, to toss; to shoot; to throw away, to throw out, to waste; to attract; to knock down; to shoot, to fire, to launch; to get by, to manage; to take (a photo); to print, to run off