Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para topped en español


top verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
topped, has topped, is topping, tops
cubrir, coronar; sobrepasar, superar; pasar por encima de

Ejemplos de uso de
top verb

  • The song has topped the charts for seven weeks.
  • They topped the other company's offer.
  • She tops everyone else on the team.
  • I've seen some pretty weird things in my life—but that tops everything!
  • Donations are expected to top $1,000,000 by the end of the month.

Sinónimos de
top verb

Traducción inversa para topped

cubrir  - to cover 
coronar  - to crown, to reach the top of, to culminate 
sobrepasar  - to exceed, to surpass 
superar  - to surpass, to exceed, to overcome, to surmount 
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