Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para trailed en español


trail verb

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trailed, has trailed, is trailing, trails
arrastrar; arrastrarse; perseguir, seguir la pista de; quedarse atrás, retrasarse

Ejemplos de uso de
trail verb

  • The little girl went to her room, trailing her teddy bear behind her.
  • The dog's leash was trailing along the ground.
  • The little girl's teddy bear trailed behind her.
  • He trailed us as we worked our way up the mountain.
  • The President is trailing in the polls as the election approaches.
  • We were trailing by 3 runs at the end of the 6th inning.
  • Our team trailed their team at the end of the 6th inning.

Sinónimos detallados para trail verb

Ver: Follow, Trace

Traducción inversa para trailed

arrastrar  - to drag, to tow, to hang down, to trail, to draw, to attract 
arrastrarse  - to crawl, to grovel 
perseguir  - to pursue, to chase, to persecute, to pester, to annoy 
retrasarse  - to be late, to fall behind 
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