Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para trampling en español


trample verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
trampled, has trampled, is trampling, tramples
pisotear, hollar

Ejemplos de uso de
trample verb

  • The workmen trampled on my flower bed.
  • Her glasses were trampled underfoot by the crowd.
  • Many people were trampled to death trying to escape the burning building.
  • They are trampling on our rights.
  • They are trampling our rights.
  • Their most cherished traditions have been trampled.

Traducción inversa para trampling

pisotear  - to stamp on, to trample, to walk all over, to flout, to disregard 
hollar  - to tread on, to trample 
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