Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para transitions en español

noun | verb

transition noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
Starting school is a difficult transition for many children.

Ejemplos de uso de
transition noun

  • We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the company.
  • The country made a peaceful transition from dictatorship to democracy.
  • the sometimes difficult transition from childhood to adulthood

transition verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
transitioned, has transitioned, is transitioning, transitions

Ejemplos de uso de
transition verb

  • The company has transitioned to new management in the past year.
  • a student who is transitioning to a new school

Traducción inversa para transitions

transición  - transition 
pasar  - to pass, to give, to pass, to go by, to come by, to pass (a test), to come in, to enter, to happen, to go over, to cross, to manage, to get by, to spend (time), to tolerate, to be over, to end, to go through, to suffer, to show (a movie, etc.), to overtake, to 
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