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2 Resultados de traducción para trial en español

noun | adjective

trial noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
juicio, proceso; aflicción, tribulación; prueba, ensayo

Ejemplos de uso de
trial noun

  • He did not get a fair trial.
  • He testified at the trial.
  • She is awaiting trial on charges of assault.
  • Early trials have shown that the treatment has some serious side effects.
  • Recovering from her injury was a real trial of strength.
  • I know I was a bit of a trial to my parents when I was a teenager.
  • Cold winters can be a trial for older people.

Sinónimos detallados para trial noun

Ver: Difficulty

trial adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
de prueba

Ejemplos de uso de
trial adjective

  • trial use of the product
  • If you choose to use the software beyond the 30-day free trial period, you are required to pay for it.
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Traducción inversa para trial

juicio  - good judgment, reason, sense, opinion, trial 
proceso  - process, trial, proceedings 
aflicción  - grief, sorrow 
tribulación  - tribulation 
prueba  - proof, evidence, trial, test, proof (in printing or photography), event, qualifying round (in sports) 
ensayo  - essay, trial, test, rehearsal, (slang) dry run, assay (of metals)