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1 Resultado de traducción para upheld en español


uphold verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
upheld, has upheld, is upholding, upholds
sostener, apoyar, mantener; levantar; confirmar (una decisión judicial)

Ejemplos de uso de
uphold verb

  • He took an oath to uphold the Constitution.
  • They have a responsibility to uphold the law.
  • The Court of Appeals upheld his conviction.

Sinónimos de
uphold verb

Sinónimos detallados para uphold verb

Ver: Support

Traducción inversa para upheld

sostener  - to support, to hold up, to hold, to sustain, to maintain 
apoyar  - to support, to back, to lean, to rest 
mantener  - to support, to feed, to keep, to preserve, to keep up, to sustain, to maintain, to affirm 
levantar  - to lift, to raise, to put up, to erect, to call off, to adjourn, to give rise to, to arouse 
confirmar  (una decisión judicial) - to confirm, to substantiate