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2 Resultados de traducción para uplift en español

verb | noun

uplift verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
uplifted, has uplifted, is uplifting, uplifts
elevar, levantar; animar (el espíritu, la mente, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
uplift verb

  • I prefer music that uplifts the soul.
  • Geologic forces uplifted the mountains thousands of years ago.

Sinónimos de
uplift verb

uplift noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Traducción inversa para uplift

elevar  - to raise, to lift, to raise, to increase, to elevate (in a hierarchy), to promote, to present, to submit 
levantar  - to lift, to raise, to put up, to erect, to call off, to adjourn, to give rise to, to arouse 
animar  (el espíritu, la mente, etc.) - to encourage, to inspire, to animate, to enliven, to brighten up, to cheer up 
elevación  - elevation, height