Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para valued en español


value verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
valued, has valued, is valuing, values
valorar, avaluar, tasar; apreciar

Ejemplos de uso de
value verb

  • She values the time she spends with her family.
  • The items are highly valued by collectors.
  • The herbs are valued for their medicinal properties.

Sinónimos detallados para value verb

Traducción inversa para valued

valorar  - to evaluate, to appraise, to assess, to value, to appreciate 
avaluar  - to evaluate, to appraise 
tasar  - to appraise, to value, to set the price of, to ration, to limit 
apreciar  - to appreciate, to value, to appraise, to assess 
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