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1 Resultado de traducción para washed-out en español


washed-out adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
pálido, lavado, desvaído (dícese de colores); débil, rendido, agotado, desanimado

Sinónimos de
washed-out adjective

wash verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
washed, has washed, is washing, washes
lavar, limpiar, fregar; mojar; bañar

Ejemplos de uso de
wash verb

  • We have to wash the dishes.
  • Did you wash your hands?
  • The flooding washed sand and silt all over the area.
  • The pollution washes into rivers from nearby factories.
  • Water washed over the deck of the ship.
  • Waves washed up onto the beach.

Sinónimos de
wash verb

Traducción inversa para washed-out

pálido  - pale 
desvaído  (dícese de colores) - pale, washed-out, vague, blurred 
débil  - weak, feeble 
rendido  - submissive, worn-out, exhausted, devoted 
agotado  - exhausted, used up, sold out, worn-out, tired 
desanimado  - depressed, disheartened, dejected