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1 Resultado de traducción para weathering en español


weather verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
weathered, has weathered, is weathering, weathers
erosionar, desgastar; aguantar, sobrellevar, capear

Ejemplos de uso de
weather verb

  • The wood on the porch has weathered over the years.
  • They weathered a terrible storm while at sea.
  • He has weathered the criticism well.

Sinónimos de
weather verb

Traducción inversa para weathering

erosionar  - to erode 
desgastar  - to use up, to wear away, to wear down 
aguantar  - to hold out, to last, to bear with, to tolerate, to withstand, to hold 
sobrellevar  - to endure, to bear 
capear  - to make a pass with the cape (in bullfighting), to dodge, to weather